MIT Blueprint 2021

A React & Python graph generator coded and designed by our team of 3 high school students at Blueprint 2021, an international hackathon organized by MIT


MIT Blueprint

Programming: February 2021

My second hackathon, filled with learning, challenges, and projects. The theme of the 24 hour hackathon was “lofi-space” so we wanted to highlight our interest in both. Explore exoplanet data using Exoplanet Enterprise! Click a button for a generated graph using data collected from the TESS Project, Kepler Space Telescope, and other probes. With over 100 characteristics, methods of classification, and statistics and over 2000 discovered exoplanets, users can discover new exoplanet graphs and observe unique relationships between characteristics. Users can also learn about exoplanets, astrobiology, and the recent Mars Perseverance Rover landing.

What I learned in each module:

  • Python math features and data collection
  • React, HTML, CSS
  • Blender, visual aspect of website development

Git Repo